In the game of Russian roulette with the Western Balkans, the game is played on several tables; only one gun is loaded, but none of the players knows which one and when it will be loaded. The players at the table bear surnames such as Dodik, Vucic, Kurti, Izetbegovic, Djukanovic and Plenkovic, supported by various helpers, servants, family members.
Russian roulette in the Western Balkans
GOOSE feedback
Although geopolitics is not under GOOSE’s focus, it also has implications for our activities, specially since we target public procurement. Worth highlighting this: “Yugoslavia from 1999 was a country isolated by almost a decade of embargoes, scarred by three lost secession wars, with tens of thousands of refugees to shelter. Serbia in 2022 is a country that has built global networks, partnerships and supply chains, often with countries rivals of Russia and China, starting with the European Union.” This is an article originally in Italian.