Wind generation grew 29% and photovoltaic 38% in Chile

According to data from the National Electrical Coordinator, the year-on-year comparison with respect to 2020 shows an exponential increase in the consumption of these variable renewable sources. In addition, there are 47 projects in the process of entry into, for 2,167 MW, 90% of them correspond to these technologies.

GOOSE feedback

Mentioning the article, “In general terms, the accumulated gross generation during 2021 was 54,276 GWh (4.6% more compared to 2020). In other words, more than 20% of the energy generated during 2021 has been variable renewable”.
This is an indicator that the sector is growing at a regular patch, offering opportunities to foreign suppliers in the sector; added in is Chile’s economic and political stability, if compared to the rest of LatAm.

Please contact us if you want to go after this opportunity: Goose.accio

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