The Fire and Disaster Management Agency of Japan is requesting comments on its intended purchase of the following vehicles :
- 17 fire trucks of less than 3.5 ton with rescue equipment
- 21 fire conveyance cars with rescue equipment
- 13 fire multifunctional cars with rescue equipment
- 9 disaster prevention learning guide cars with rescue equipment
- 13 fire pump cars of less than 3.5 tons with rescue equipment
- 18 fire pump cars of less than 5 tons with rescue equipment
Announcement was published on 26 April 2022 in the Japanese Public Gazette (Kanpou) and on the website of Jetro (see links below). Comments have to arrive at the Fire and Disaster Management Agency at latest on 16 May 2022 at 5 p.m. Japanese time (10 a.m. Brussels time).