On the 4th of February, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport - Ibaraki (Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan) launched a total of 4 public tenders for different systems to be used by the Meteorological Research Institute. It concerns scientific instruments and apparatus mainly, but also an IT system (Data storage system). More information on each of the tenders (in Japanese and summarized in English) can be found on the below links.
  1. GPS radiosonde ground receiver systems, GPS radiosondes and hydrometeor senser 1 set
  2. Data storage system for large-ensemble predictions 1 set
  3. Ship-mounted turbulent momentum and water vapor flux measurement systems 2 sets
  4. Microwave radiometer system for observation of precipitable water vapor 2 sets
Deadlines for tenders 1. and 2. are the 7th of March, 16:00 Japanese time, while the deadlines for tenders 3. and 4. are the 10th of March 2022, 16:00 Japanese time. Please note that there are certain certificates necessary to join this tender (to be found on the above links), which need to be submitted to the online procurement system by the 28th of February 2022. This procurement will be covered by the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement and Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement.